Learn Ortho-Bionomy®
with Melissa Malm and Jim Berns

Elective Classes
Taught by Melissa Malm and/or Jim Berns

Elective classes are an opportunity to further explore the principles of Ortho-Bionomy as applied to a variety of subjects.
It is amazing how such gentle techniques can give such deep releases. Ortho-Bionomy can create the safety needed for an injury to let go of its holding patterns. It is easy on the practitioner and can readily be integrated into any massage or bodywork session.
Some electives are required for the Associate, Practitioner, and Advanced Practitioner Training Programs offered by the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International® (SOBI).
We offer these elective classes in the standard 16-hour in-person format in locations across the United States, as well as online.
To determine if these elective classes will fulfill the elective requirements of SOBI’s Training Programs, please contact your advisor or your Instructor.
Instructor: Jim Berns or Melissa Malm
NCBTMB approved
“Healer, Heal Thyself”
Caring for ourselves can help to renew our energy, to clear our mind, and to prepare our body for working with our clients. This Ortho-Bionomy class explores self-care for many different parts of the body depending on students’ interests. Past classes have included: Neck; Shoulders; First Rib; Hands/Wrists; Arms; Back; Pelvis; and Feet.
Ortho-Bionomy® Working with the Breath (8 hour)
Instructor: Jim Berns or Melissa Malm
NCBTMB approved
Ortho-Bionomy® Releases for the Breath (16 hour)
Instructor: Jim Berns or Melissa Malm
NCBTMB approved
Breath is life. Each breath we take is a picture of who we have been, who we are, and who we yearn to be.
Using osteopathic-based principles of Ortho-Bionomy, in this hands-on training we will:
· Recognize restrictions of the breath and offer it new options
· Bring awareness to the connections between the breath and other parts of the body
· Explore the possibilities of where the breath can lead us
· Use painless comfortable positions to release tension patterns in the structure associated with the breath
This class can be offered in an 8-hour or 16-hour Phase 4 format. When taught by Jim Berns, the 16-hour class may also incorporate hands-on Phase 5 and 6.
Ortho-Bionomy Cranial: Skin, Muscle, Bone
Instructor: Melissa Malm
NCBTMB approved
In this class we will be working with the structure and skin-muscle-bone (Phase 4), unwinding (Phase 5), and the energetics of the cranium (Phase 6). We will explore how the dynamic of relaxing the practitioner can deeply release the client. With the influence of the different nerves, blood, meridians, and brain stimulations going through the neck, head, and face, the effects of this work can be quite powerful. It can give the saying “get your head together” a whole other meaning. This may be different from any other cranial class you have taken. The skills and sensitivity gained from this class can be used with any modality throughout the whole body.
Classes and Study Groups
Phase 4 Classes Phases 5, 6 & 7 Classes Required Program Classes Electives Study Groups